Learning to be a PRO Developer 😎 : my Path

Hello, I will try to write as simple as I can and don't pretend to look like a genius or something because everything related to programing has a popular egregor that "is only for the smart guy" and I think it's a skill everyone can train.

The world of software is awesome. I think that the possibility of remote work anywhere on the globe was the first thing that attracted me to this lifestyle following the Odin Path which helps you to become a full-stack developer

What I've learned so far is Linux console, Git & GitHub, HTML 5, CSS 3 and still studying Javascript and CyberSecurity (as complementary)

also have changed my keyboard distribution to Dvorak and my Operative System to Linux

My personal goal is to be hirable and of course, to get a job in 1 year, I would like to be able to say

"if I can do it, you can do it too"

despite don't be able to say it I would like to inspire you with my path and with my hope of success.
